主页 产品 感应加热 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统...


易孚迪(ENRX)螺栓热胀解决方案主要由小巧但强大的便携式 Minac 变频器和特殊设计的感应器组成。
快速、方便、准确且可重复的热量传递能够提高生产率。与其他方法相比,螺栓感应加热至少快 70%。您可以在车间或工厂车间中移动它,在几秒钟内更换感应线圈,并快速学习如何使用。
  • 具有 10 米柔性连接的移动式设计
  • 灵活 - 可以安装适用于各种螺栓尺寸的各种线圈。
  • 与普通电钻一样易于使用。
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    The ENRX bolt expansion solution is built around a small yet powerful mobile Minac converter and specially designed inductor coils.
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    Flexible: It can be fitted with various coils for various bolt dimensions. Glass fibre insulation holster varnish lacquers and electronic coil to work-piece detection provides a triple safety on flash-over situations.
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    Simple to operate: Handheld transformers (HHT) feature on/off and precise power controls. In fact the HHT is as easy to operate as a regular electric drill. Flexible
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    water-cooled cables connecting the HHT to the converter allow easy access to bolts.
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    Precise repeatability of heating cycles is assured. The same amount of energy is applied to each bolt. A constant energy level and heating time is guaranteed.
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    The use of induction heating for bolt expansion in high-pressure turbines is a powerful business tool.
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    Induction heating is a time and labour-saving alternative to inefficient flame and resistance heating for oil and gas processing plants chemical plants and power stations.
  • 螺栓热胀用感应加热系统
    An operator inserts a specially designed induction coil into the bolt.
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