主页 产品 感应加热 甲板矫直用感应加热系统...


易孚迪(ENRX)的 Terac 甲板矫直系统可以在成本、安全性和环保方面为造船厂带来感应加热的优势。
久经考验的交钥匙解决方案, Terac 在插上电源以后,随时可以开始工作。Terac 是甲板和舱壁矫直的理想选择,与火焰加热相比,矫直时间缩短了 80%。钢制甲板和舱壁的穿透加热可以快速完成,如 8 毫米仅需 8 秒。
  • 快速、方便、精准且可重复的加热
  • 易于学习,可使操作人员效率更大化
  • 较大的工作范围 - 半径 45 米,或延伸 60 米
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    ENRX Terac systems are specially designed for ship straightening. Each Terac includes a frequency converter cooling system operator panel and deck-heating unit.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    Terac components are designed and built to last in tough shipyard environments.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    Note the easy-to-use controls placed on the handle. It usually takes only a couple of hours to train an operator to use the Terac system.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    Induction heating is widely used to straighten ship decks and bulkheads.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    An ENRX Terac system ensures failsafe operation—it makes it impossible to overheat magnetic steel.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    Terac works just as well on bulkheads and other vertical structures as it does on decks.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    For added ergonomic comfort the handheld transformer can be attached to a balancer and suspended from a magnet or wire rope.
  • 甲板矫直用感应加热系统
    Operators can work with Terac within a 45m radius of the base unit. An optional extension unit lengthens the work area to 60m radius.
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